Month: June 2024

Water Restrictions

Effective: June 1, 2024 – until further notice.

Hand watering and Drip Systems days for yards, flower beds, gardens, etc., will be limited to three times per week per home.

6:00 AM to 9:00 AM      And         6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

All owners are allowed hand held watering and drip systems on their scheduled days.


Even house numbers- Full Timers:  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Odd house numbers – Full Timers:  Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Week Enders & Part Timers: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday or no more than 3 days per week.


We are in drought cycle (less water available) and we need to stay under our water right limit.

Uncontrolled watering during the dry summer months, hampers our ability to maintain a safe level of treated water in our tanks.  This poses a firefighting problem and an increase expense to maintain a satisfactorily water level for normal home uses.

Penalties for violation:

  1. First incident: Warning of violation by letter.
  2. Further incidents with board approval: On time $200 fine
  3. In special cases, water main will be turned off and locked until owner demonstrates compliances.

Your cooperation is required and appreciated:

Earle Williams
Water Systems Administrator
Cloud Country Estates


Approved by:

Cloud Country Estates Board of Directors

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