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The following information is provided for real estate agents and prospective and current owners within the Cloud Country Estates subdivision. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.

Note: No property may be sold or transferred from a seller who has outstanding balances with either the POA or the Club.


The Estates is similar to a small municipality requiring the same attention as any small city. Consequently, the operating and maintenance costs are the responsibility of the property owners. Responsibility for the operation and maintenance of all the facilities within the subdivision rests with the Property Owners Association. These responsibilities are administered by a Board of Directors elected annually by the property owners. Additionally, since this is a private subdivision, all activities within it are required to comply with the By-Laws and Covenants adopted by the property owners and implemented by the Board, as well as New Mexico state laws.

Annual Dues and Fees

  • The annual POA dues as of 2025 are:
1 LOT 1.25 LOTS 1.5 LOTS 2 LOTS
$1,398.76 $1,505.16 $1,611.56 $1,824.35
$2,249.94 $2,675.53 $3,101.12 $3,526.71
1 LOT (no house) 2 LOT (no house) 3 LOT (no house)  
$638.39 $1,063.98 $1,489.57  
  • The annual Club dues as of 2025 are $742.41.* There is also a $150.00 one-time fee due upon the closing — please work with your agent on this or contact contact Quinn Mitchell at Note all owners are required to pay Club dues and fees as the Club manages not only the amenities but also community areas such as roads leading into the neighborhood. The Club also employs the full-time property technician.
  • Please note these fees often increase annually due to inflation.
  • In addition, the need for periodic one-time special assessments are reviewed by the Board each year and can fluctuate and add costs of ownership depending on the needs of the subdivision.
  • There are other fees associated with construction outlined in the governing documents below.

*As of 2025

Cloud Country Estates Covenants and Bylaws

The rules, restrictions and laws of the Cloud Country Estates are governed by the Restrictive Covenants, Bylaws and construction rules. The following documents are legally binding. The main governing documents are:

Construction Regulations and Fees

Cloud Country Club

Per the Cloud Country Estates Restrictive Covenants, property owners are required to maintain membership to the Cloud Country Club, and the dues owed. The Club maintains amenities, common roadways, common properties, and provides employment for the property technician. There is a one-time fee assessed upon new property purchases.


  • Electrical Service: Provided by Otero County Electric Coop in Cloudcroft
  • Cell Phone Service: Verizon and services connected to the Verizon network are the only services in range at the subdivision. AT&T services are not in range.
  • Internet: PVT (offices are to the East side of CCE). Please note PVT is the only ISP servicing CCE and has a top speed of 10mbps.
    • Another option is Hughs satellite which has had spotty reviews.
      PVT also offers VOIP phone services and steaming live TV. You will be required to bring your own, or purchase/lease a wireless router from PVT .
  • Mail Service: Mayhill US Post Office — to get mailbox keys or pickup large packages. Note the office closes at noon weekdays. There is also a post office in Cloudcroft with longer hours.
    • All online retailers including Amazon deliver to CCE, however there is added delivery times. Also note that in conducting returns that there are no UPS drop-offs in the area (closest is either El Paso or las Cruces) requiring UPS pickup. There are FedEx drop-off locations in Alamogordo.
  • Grocery: The only grocery option within the Mayhill/Cloudcroft area is a Family Dollar store located in Cloudcroft and an Allsup’s Convenience Store. There are scheduled farmer’s market events in Cloudcroft on Fridays and Sundays — please check Facebook on details.
    • There are limited options for grocery services, and no delivery services from major grocers such as Walmart or Albertsons.
    • Most residents trek to Alamogordo (shortest drive) to pick up groceries from Walmart, Lowes (grocer) or Albertsons.

Upon Purchase of Property

Once you have completed your purchase of property in the Cloud Country Estates, please have your agent submit a purchase notice to the POA through this website, or if you do not have an agent, please send your information, including your name, CCE address, permanent address, phone number and email. This will help us get you registered with this website, the directory and to receive access items to the subdivision. You will also want to join Nextdoor as this is the best social website for communicating with your neighbors.

Legal Action Availed to the POA and Club

Respective Bylaws and Covenants outlay consequences for failure to follow Estates governance. Actions include, but are not limited to:

  1. suspension of membership and use of facilities
  2. suspension of voting rights,
  3. fines,
  4. removal of unapproved structures via legal action,
  5. liens filed on property, and foreclosure of property to satisfy a debt owed the the POA and/or Club.
  6. Additionally, owners and members could be responsible for POA and Club attorney fees as mandated in the Covenants and Bylaws.
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